The importance of preschool education and ensuring social justice in education

Module will be intended for implementers, that will through activities inform the representatives of ECEC administrators and ECEC professionals, Romani assistants, the representatives of local institutions and other members of local community about the meaning of preschool education, knowledge and education for children, that come from in any way endangered groups with emphasis on Romani children. Second large content assembly within the module will focus on topics that will raise awareness on prejudices and stereotypes, so the participants will understand their structure better and will become more aware of ensuring equal opportunities to all participants of the educational process. Participants will gain knowledge, understanding and realization on mechanisms that support and preserve domination in society and get acquainted with mechanisms that decide the power distribution in society and educational procedure and strategies, to be able to put the scales in balance within the educational procedure. Participants of the training will learn concrete strategies that will help them with the transformation of institutional backgrounds in direction of larger justice for all included participants.

Each partner organization will carry out training on national level after participating on international training. We will design training material which will cover fundamental concepts and ideas of the training. Participants will receive material directly at the training in printed form.