Based on the activities and evaluation we will form recommendations for policy makers at the level of individual country of partner organization in the field of inclusion of Romani children into preschool programs. Recommendations will be intended for policy makers on more levels – from local (e.g. representatives of municipality) to national (e. g. representatives of different ministries and offices that are engaged into ensuring of equal opportunities). Analyses of condition of participation of Romani children in system of preschool education for individual levels in individual states and references that will be derived by examples of good practices will be gathered in recommendations. Recommendations for policy makers will be as content (bound on the improvement of quality and accessibility of preschool education for Romani children, considering the needs of individual children within cooperation with their families, inclusive pedagogy, an improvement of literacy, inclusion of parents and training of ECEC professionals) as structural (inclusion of wider local community, the transnational exchange of good practices). The recommendations will introduce new directions for policy makers that will show which measures/activities were having effect and how to expand these measures.