Activities for children who are not enrolled in preschools and their parents

Module of the training will be intended for mentors, that will guide the activities, intended for parents of children, aged from 1 to 5 years, that (yet) have not taken part of preschool education. With the help of material, the leaders of activities will learn numerous strategies of tying the contacts with parents and numerous ideas and strategies, which they will be presented to parents and are intended to build age, developmentally and culturally appropriate activities that promote all areas of child development. Concentrated useful information and descriptions of different procedures will be also in the module, connected to ensuring the health supply for children (dental care, paediatric care – how to find a paediatrician, etc.), preschool education (e.g. enrolment in preschool, etc.), procedures for obtaining incomes related to the parenthood, etc.

Each partner organization will carry out training on national level after participating on international training. We will design training material which will cover the fundamental concepts and ideas of the training. Participants will receive material directly at the training in printed form.