Člověk v tísni, Czech Republic

tisiniPeople in Need is a Czech non-governmental and non-profit organization that has been providing relief aid and development assistance, while working to defend human rights and democratic freedom for 23 years. PIN administers social integration programs in the

Czech Republic and provides informative and educational activities. PIN has long experience in the field of development education. Its Varianty educational programme has been working since 2001 and focuses on support of inclusive environment and open climate in society and on education towards global responsibility. The programme offers training and teaching material, organizes public events, supports schools and young people and strives for enforcing structural changes.

The Varianty educational programme systematically supports education towards global responsibility and inclusive environment in the schools and in the society. Varianty has established partnership with several education departments at Czech universities. The cooperation is based on strengthening competence of pre-graduate and in-service teachers in innovative teaching methods. Varianty also collaborates with many Czech schools and helps them to integrate development education into their teaching practice. Varianty also support systemic inclusive changes of Czech educational system and develop methodological support for integrating children with special education needs and Roma children into mainstream schools. Varianty provides educational seminars, didactic and methodological materials professional consultations and analysis.

Varianty has a long term experience with transferring innovative methods from abroad into Czech practice and sharing of best practice examples.

Official website: https://www.clovekvtisni.cz/en/